The All-State spokesman wasn’t lying; life comes at you fast. If a surprise blizzard has you snowed in, you can worry about missing work, school, or having your car turned into an icebox later—what you need to worry about now is food. The pizza man doesn’t deliver during ice storms, so it’s important to make…
A great way to make yourself feel at home in your apartment community is to make friends with the people living around you. But how do you go about meeting the people in your complex? Here are some simple tips. 1. Be Friendly – The next time you're taking out the trash and notice a new…
Did you make a New Year's resolution? Whether you vowed to run a marathon or save more money in 2018, these tips can help you stick to it. Be specific. Instead of saying you want to be healthier in 2018, resolve to pack a healthy lunch five days each week or replace your daily soda…
You and I both know well that neighbors truly put up with a lot. Whether it's noise, slamming doors, a barking dog, mud tracks in the breezeway, or a poorly parked vehicle…us and our neighbors put up with it all to get along well. The truth is, you may think that nothing you do ever…